Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Fulfilling a Request.

My sister has recently asked me to blog more.  Being a loving brother I will attempt to do so.  Fair warning to whoever reads blogs...grammar and writing are not my strengths.  I  know there are those out there who are put off by such inadequacies, if so, stop reading now.
     To be quite honest I am finally blogging due to the past four days spent lying down.  Which is a lot of time to just sit and think, and while I don't think I will post everything that passes through my mind I will jot down a few thoughts.  Trust me most things that pass through my head aren't worth the words to put on paper.  One such thought for example:  How much does a hair transplant cost?
     I now realize how horrible it must have been for my dad to be in the hospital as long as he was.  And though I cannot fully relate because the severity of his health was much worse, I did get a glimpse, and allow me to say let us all avoid the hospital all together (apple a day).  Don't get me wrong doctors were great, and so were the nurses.  I actually got one of my nurses phone numbers, I admit it was the drugs talking, I am never that forward with cute girls.  My parents say I should therefore use drugs frequently and maybe I will get some results with dating.  They were kidding of course.